Tuesday, November 12, 2019

I believe in Angels

Its been awhile since I have blogged, but this blog had to be written.

Yesterday, I was driving by Calvary cemetery where my grandparents and many relatives are buried.  I noticed the gate was open, so I decided to drive through the short cut to my house and say a quick hello to my grandparents.

As I was taking the turn into the cemetery, I heard the sound of a bikes bell, and I looked across the street and saw a grayish haired man in a green winter jacket....I looked quickly at the man, and he reminded me so much of my cousin Patrick, who passed away tragically at 50 years old.  At that moment I was struck, by the sound of the bell, the cemetery where our grandparents were buried, and I said out loud....Hello Patrick, I'm thinking of you today.  I feel as if his spirit was there and he was saying hello.

This story from yesterday ties in to my story of today.

This morning I was at a local Ford dealership, having new tires put on my car.  I was sitting in the waiting room next to a mother and her 9 year old son, and watching how the mother was telling her son to look up from his phone and acknowledge the elderly employee of Ford as she was asking him if he wanted anything to drink or eat.  She went on to tell him to pay attention and say please and thank you.

While I was still sitting there, I opened an email from a Womens group that I am part of.  This group at Christmas time gets together and buys gifts for children in DCF.  Last year I chose a young child, but this year I wanted to give to a teenager, because sometimes I think they get forgotten.  I chose a 15 year old whose name was Angel.  As I went on Amazon to order a gift for him, I noticed he wanted a certain book....because I didn't know what books he had already read, I bought him the entire series.  I hope it brings him joy.  Books are such a beautiful way to expand your mind and imagination. 

After I comlpeted my order, I saw the mechanic come in to the waiting room and tell the young mother next to me, that her car needed a new battery.  Immediately, I saw her worry, as she said she needed to call her father to talk about it.  I watched as she tried to reach her father, while her son sat beside her....and I saw her legs shaking as she put her head down waiting to hear back from her father.  I texted my husband and told him what I saw....I said, we've been there before, worried about how to pay for car work and not having the money to pay for it.  I told him, I wanted to offer to pay for it.  He said of course and sent me an emoji of an angel.

I quietly got up, and pretended to go to the restroom. I went to the front desk and asked to speak with the mechanic.  I told him I wanted to pay for this womans battery, but no need to tell her.  His mangager came out, and said, thank you, and people don't often do things like this, so he wanted to pay it forward and he said because of my gesture, Ford wanted to pay for her battery and car work.  I told him that was not necessary, I wanted to pay, but he said in the giving spirit, Ford wanted to do this.  I went back to sit and wait for my tires to be done.

I saw the mechanic gesture for the woman to come out to the hallway.  When she came back in, she embraced me while crying and thanked me for my kindness.  She said she has been struggling to pay bills, living paycheck to paycheck.  Her son has been being bullied at school, and her life has been difficult.  I told her, I have been in her shoes, and I just wanted to help out one mother to another. We talked some more and then I also told her to thank Ford, because, they ended up paying for everything.  She said, yes, but that is because of your kindness.  We got to talking and her son asked why she was crying, she turned to her son and said, " because Angel, we have just met a true Angel."  Her 9 year old sons name was Angel.

As I was leaving she gave me her number and name and said if I ever needed anything to please call her.  We hugged again and I went to pay for my tires.  Ford ended up paying for the labor part of my bill as a thank you for giving the staff there a Holiday feeling of Giving.  I said no need, but they wanted to pay it forward again.  I waved goodbye to the mother and her son Angel, got in my car and cried.

When I got home and shared all this with my husband, we put the names together, Angel the 15 year old boy in DCF and Angel the 9 year old boy with his mother.....My Uncle Pat  who is here visiting after I told him the story of the cemetery visit, the man who reminded me of his son Patrick and the bells, reminded me of  It's a Wonderful Life, where a bell rings and an Angel gets its wings.  I believe I was surrounded by Angles in these last two days....One Angel is my cousin Patrick whose soul and spirit still surrounds us, the other Angels are those two boys.

I believe in Angels.

This blog has always been about gratitude, and today I am grateful for Angels who are with us here on earth and with us in spirit.

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