Sunday, September 16, 2012

Kiss it and make it better

When a child is young and they fall and hurt themselves....a mother kisses the boo boo and makes it better.  Its a magical kiss, that somehow makes the pain go away, and makes the child smile again.

As the child gets older, the magic of those kisses somehow seems to fade.  Its not as easy to kiss away your child's pain, even though the mother wishes with all her heart, that she can somehow recreate that magic and make that child smile again.

As the child grows into adulthood, the child still falls down at times, and mothers instinct instantly sets in, and you wish with all your heart that your child was little again, and all you would have to do is kiss the boo boo away.

Well, the magic of the boo boo kisses may not be the same as your child grows up, but the love and protective instinct is always there, and though your child may not know it, we mothers are still giving you those magical kisses, even if they are only in our minds.  Our kisses are magical, because when you hurt, we hurt, when you cry, we cry, when you are sad, we are sad.  When you are happy, we feel joy, all these emotions that you are feeling we feel too.

We are connected because of our unconditional love for you.  From the first time we hold you in our arms, kiss your little fingers and toes, and breathe in the magic that is you, our mothers love and instinct kicks in, and the magic of those boo boo kisses begins.  We may not always be able to kiss it and make it better or make you smile again, but that's not for lack of trying, and even if you don't realize it, for as long as you live we will always be there if you ever need a mothers magical kiss to make you smile again. (LOVE)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Pay "Your Education Forward"

Today we went to Fenway Park for a Mass Celebrating 150 years of Boston College and Boston College High School.  Our daughter Mary was singing in the B.C. Chorale at the Mass., in front of over 20,000 people.  Before we went to this Mass, we went and saw our son Michael's band "The WonderMics perform on the Boston Common as the opening act for Boston's Freedom Rally, also in front of 20,000 people.  It was a day full of pride for us and also full of music. 

At the Mass, the priest who said the homily, spoke of a core principal of Catholicism.  Paraphrasing, that principle is," If you hold on to something and refuse to let it go, you are sure to lose it.  But if you give of it freely, trying to give all you have, then you will keep it forever."  He said that the Jesuits apply this principle to many things, but today's focus is education, as a result of celebrating B.C's Sesquicentennial (150 years).  He mentioned, that no amount of prestige, no amount of money, not who you know, what your title is or even "where"you got your education, is as important, as taking what you have learned and sharing it with others.  That is truly the gift of education....Pay it forward.

When I thought about this, I knew that my High School friend was sitting somewhere in the Fenway stands, and I realized that she (who is a B.C. graduate) shared her education freely with my own family.  She was working as a nurse, when I had my second child in 1986.  He was a scheduled C-section, and I asked her if she would be present at his birth.  She said yes and then proceeded to be present at births of our final four children.  So much so, that when we had our third child, I asked her to be his godmother.  He was born very sick and was given a 5% chance of living. Because she was there, she was present for his quick baptism shortly after he was born.  We are truly blessed for having her in our lives, and she took her nursing education and shared it with us. 

I used to feel like I was missing something, because I did not finish College.  But I realized today, that while I didn't have a formal degree to share, I had some learned experiences with Music, that I in turn shared with my children.  Today, I saw the returns of my giving my love of music to my children, in their performances.  I gave it freely, and I will keep the memories of my children's performances today forever. They were sharing their music with others, paying it forward.

Pay your education forward, be it a College education, or the Education of everyday life.  It is a gift to share, not to hold onto.

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Recently my little sister asked me what happiness was.  I told her my happiness comes from the things I am most grateful for.   And one of the things that I am grateful for and brings me happiness is the New England Seasons.

Fall, makes me happy.   Its the crisp fresh smell of an Autumn morning.  The little bit of chill in the air that makes you want to wrap yourself up in a cozy blanket read a book and enjoy a nice cup of tea.
It's apple picking, pumpkins, and the colorful leaves that fall from the trees.  I love the smell of a fresh apple pie baking in the oven.  It tickles my senses and brings me a quiet sense of joy and appreciation for the wonderful season of Fall.

The gratitude and sense of happiness flows through this season, and lands on the holiday where families gather together to show their gratefulness (Thanksgiving).  A time of laughter, family and friends.  All these things bring make me happy.

Each season, each day, each hour, each minute....find the time to be grateful for at least one thing, and that gratefulness will multiply and bring you happiness.  This blog is dedicated to you, little sister, because, I am grateful for having you in my life, and I wish you the gift of Fall, and the gift of Happiness.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Life is Short

Life is short, but if we fill our lives with taking time to enjoy each and every moment of our lives, then the longness or shortness of life won't really matter.  It seems like only yesterday, that Donnie and I were taking our 17 year old daughter Danielle off to College.  I blinked and now last week we were taking our 17 year old youngest daughter Jane off to College.  I don't know where the time went,  but I do know, that in these last ten years between the two of them heading off to College, we saw three of our other children off  to College, and now they are all adults. 

Is life really short?  did ten years fly by?  I don't really think so, because Donnie and I have so many wonderful memories of these past 10 years ( or actually 27 years) of raising our children into the adults they are today, that time doesn't seem short necessarily, it seems to just keep moving forward. 

Donnie wrote on his fb page about the forward progression of life, and I think it is natural and normal to watch our children grow, and become adults, with thoughts and ideas of their own, and each one of them has a different path that they are following.  I don't feel old, I close my eyes and I can still see each of the kids first steps, first falls, first milestones....but now I see new first steps, first falls, and new milestones.  So how can life be short if these things are all still happening.  Forward Progression.....I plan on enjoying each and every moment moving forward in life.  I won't take it for granted, and I will appreciate my life for however long I live.  We only get to do this once, so whether its 50 or 100 years, my life won't be short because I am living it to the fullest.