Monday, October 1, 2018

A Magic Wand

If I had a magic wand, there are so many ways I would use it.

I would magically make time go by a little slower, so I could spend more time with friends and family, make each moment count and leave no conversation unhad.
I would magically bring back loved ones who have passed, so that I could ask them all the unanswered questions that were left behind in their passing.
I would magically make it so my cousins and Aunts and Uncles didn't live so far away, so we could share our families and our life stories with each other and look back and be grateful for those who made our lives possible.
I would magically ask for forgiveness for all the wrongs I may or may not know that I have done to my loved ones, I would ask that it didn't have to be so hard to say, yes I was wrong and yes I am sorry. Forgiveness is magic in itself.
  We all have those  things that we hold in and wish we could go back in time and fix.  We all hold some forms or resentments, memories, hurt feelings, and issues  that we could've, should've and would've done better had we been given a do over.  My magic wand would mend those feelings, so that the magic of forgiveness, love and freedom would take their place.
Whether you believe in God, a higher being, science, or magic, somehow all these beings or things lead to the same thing....We are here on this earth because of them, and whether there is an after life or nothing at all, we are all on borrowed time, and I would like my magic wand to cast a spell that we all live our time and the time we are given, with forgiveness, love, respect, kindness and peace.

For me sometimes I use Face Book  as a Magic Wand....I know I post a lot of pictures, and I don't expect everyone to look at them or even like them.  I like Face Book because it connects me to the people that I don't get to see or spend time with.  I love seeing the pictures of my cousins and their growing families.  I love seeing pics of my nieces, nephews, friends and family smiling and laughing and making memories.

No one lives a perfect life, no one is happy all the time, but lets face it, I would much rather see smiling and laughing and love on face book.....there is way too much sadness in the world, so why not spread joy. 

Even when people post about their loved ones who have passed, there is sadness in their passing, but the pictures are shared as a way to remember the joy and love those loved ones gave us in their time here on earth.  I appreciate those pictures posted, because remembering those loved ones is a way of honoring them.

Lets all take our Magic Wands and create magic in our lives.  Share that magic whether it be via face book, instagram, snapchat, a handwritten letter, a phone call, or an impromptu visit to a friend or family member that you have lost touch with.  Converse with each other, ask questions about each others lives, ask for forgiveness if you feel you need it. Make moments count. Be Grateful and Spread Peace

Monday, July 9, 2018

Island Time

Island Time

There is no time on an Island,
just sun, sand and reflection..
Reflecting on all Gods gifts,
and the beauty that surrounds us
There is no time on an Island,
just peace, tranquility and perspective.
Perspective in believing in the goodness of all people,
and believing in the kindness and humanity of all.
There is no time on an Island,
days just seem to pass by.
Pass by in moments of joy, moments of sadness,
moments of an array of all human emotions.
There is no time on an Island,
time is measured in truths.
Truth that the air we breathe and the beauty that surrounds us
is a gift we all should treasure.
Island time, land time, daytime,nighttime...all time
should be cherished, and each moment, each second,
each minute, each hour should never be wasted.
Live your Life on Island Time
Be grateful for each day, live in Peace

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Super Hero's

I haven't blogged in quite awhile.  Today, I was catching up on all my DVR'd recordings of CW's Super Hero shows.  Flash, SuperGirl, Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow, and now Black Lightening.

As I watched these shows, I began to get a feeling of overwhelming anxiety. It was anxiety, but I knew exactly why I was feeling this way.  As Black Lightening was fighting the issue of gangs, and the danger in his neighborhood,  Super Girl was joining  forces with some of her nemesis's to try and save the world, and Arrow was making peace with his team of Super Hero's to fight injustices and crime. A recurring theme.  Good vs. Evil, Wrong vs. Right,  Love vs. Hate....themes that all essentially lead to Humanity.

I shut the television off and thought to myself....our World needs a Super Hero, or a band of Super Heros.  The news is filled with constant reminders of similar themes....Political Parties verses each other, Countries verses each other, People verses each much venom being spewed back and forth.....and yet, I still believe in Humanity and the Good in people.

As I pondered this, I realized that our world does have Super Hero's, and they too are fighting the same fights and battles that the CW Super Hero's fight.  Our hero's don't wear costumes to hide who they are, they are there for all of us to see.  Our Hero's are the men and women who serve in our Military, our First Responders, our men in Blue, our Firefighters, our Doctors,Nurses, EMT's, Paremedics, teachers, educators and more.  They are our single Mothers and Fathers who are working three jobs to give our future generation of children a chance.  Our Family members and Friends who step in to lend a hand to their loved ones in need.  Our Spiritual leaders, who pray for us and with us. And yes too, they are many of our Political leaders who are fighting for us and with us to make this World a better place.

It doesn"t  matter your politcal party, your race, or your religion.  What matters is that we all have the ability to be Hero's....We march together in this one life, and we start one step at a time, one good deed at a time, shrouded with a Hero's cape called Humanity.

I make a point of expressing gratitude on this blog and today I am particularly grateful for all of everyday Super Hero's