Tuesday, November 12, 2019

I believe in Angels

Its been awhile since I have blogged, but this blog had to be written.

Yesterday, I was driving by Calvary cemetery where my grandparents and many relatives are buried.  I noticed the gate was open, so I decided to drive through the short cut to my house and say a quick hello to my grandparents.

As I was taking the turn into the cemetery, I heard the sound of a bikes bell, and I looked across the street and saw a grayish haired man in a green winter jacket....I looked quickly at the man, and he reminded me so much of my cousin Patrick, who passed away tragically at 50 years old.  At that moment I was struck, by the sound of the bell, the cemetery where our grandparents were buried, and I said out loud....Hello Patrick, I'm thinking of you today.  I feel as if his spirit was there and he was saying hello.

This story from yesterday ties in to my story of today.

This morning I was at a local Ford dealership, having new tires put on my car.  I was sitting in the waiting room next to a mother and her 9 year old son, and watching how the mother was telling her son to look up from his phone and acknowledge the elderly employee of Ford as she was asking him if he wanted anything to drink or eat.  She went on to tell him to pay attention and say please and thank you.

While I was still sitting there, I opened an email from a Womens group that I am part of.  This group at Christmas time gets together and buys gifts for children in DCF.  Last year I chose a young child, but this year I wanted to give to a teenager, because sometimes I think they get forgotten.  I chose a 15 year old whose name was Angel.  As I went on Amazon to order a gift for him, I noticed he wanted a certain book....because I didn't know what books he had already read, I bought him the entire series.  I hope it brings him joy.  Books are such a beautiful way to expand your mind and imagination. 

After I comlpeted my order, I saw the mechanic come in to the waiting room and tell the young mother next to me, that her car needed a new battery.  Immediately, I saw her worry, as she said she needed to call her father to talk about it.  I watched as she tried to reach her father, while her son sat beside her....and I saw her legs shaking as she put her head down waiting to hear back from her father.  I texted my husband and told him what I saw....I said, we've been there before, worried about how to pay for car work and not having the money to pay for it.  I told him, I wanted to offer to pay for it.  He said of course and sent me an emoji of an angel.

I quietly got up, and pretended to go to the restroom. I went to the front desk and asked to speak with the mechanic.  I told him I wanted to pay for this womans battery, but no need to tell her.  His mangager came out, and said, thank you, and people don't often do things like this, so he wanted to pay it forward and he said because of my gesture, Ford wanted to pay for her battery and car work.  I told him that was not necessary, I wanted to pay, but he said in the giving spirit, Ford wanted to do this.  I went back to sit and wait for my tires to be done.

I saw the mechanic gesture for the woman to come out to the hallway.  When she came back in, she embraced me while crying and thanked me for my kindness.  She said she has been struggling to pay bills, living paycheck to paycheck.  Her son has been being bullied at school, and her life has been difficult.  I told her, I have been in her shoes, and I just wanted to help out one mother to another. We talked some more and then I also told her to thank Ford, because, they ended up paying for everything.  She said, yes, but that is because of your kindness.  We got to talking and her son asked why she was crying, she turned to her son and said, " because Angel, we have just met a true Angel."  Her 9 year old sons name was Angel.

As I was leaving she gave me her number and name and said if I ever needed anything to please call her.  We hugged again and I went to pay for my tires.  Ford ended up paying for the labor part of my bill as a thank you for giving the staff there a Holiday feeling of Giving.  I said no need, but they wanted to pay it forward again.  I waved goodbye to the mother and her son Angel, got in my car and cried.

When I got home and shared all this with my husband, we put the names together, Angel the 15 year old boy in DCF and Angel the 9 year old boy with his mother.....My Uncle Pat  who is here visiting after I told him the story of the cemetery visit, the man who reminded me of his son Patrick and the bells, reminded me of  It's a Wonderful Life, where a bell rings and an Angel gets its wings.  I believe I was surrounded by Angles in these last two days....One Angel is my cousin Patrick whose soul and spirit still surrounds us, the other Angels are those two boys.

I believe in Angels.

This blog has always been about gratitude, and today I am grateful for Angels who are with us here on earth and with us in spirit.

Monday, October 1, 2018

A Magic Wand

If I had a magic wand, there are so many ways I would use it.

I would magically make time go by a little slower, so I could spend more time with friends and family, make each moment count and leave no conversation unhad.
I would magically bring back loved ones who have passed, so that I could ask them all the unanswered questions that were left behind in their passing.
I would magically make it so my cousins and Aunts and Uncles didn't live so far away, so we could share our families and our life stories with each other and look back and be grateful for those who made our lives possible.
I would magically ask for forgiveness for all the wrongs I may or may not know that I have done to my loved ones, I would ask that it didn't have to be so hard to say, yes I was wrong and yes I am sorry. Forgiveness is magic in itself.
  We all have those  things that we hold in and wish we could go back in time and fix.  We all hold some forms or resentments, memories, hurt feelings, and issues  that we could've, should've and would've done better had we been given a do over.  My magic wand would mend those feelings, so that the magic of forgiveness, love and freedom would take their place.
Whether you believe in God, a higher being, science, or magic, somehow all these beings or things lead to the same thing....We are here on this earth because of them, and whether there is an after life or nothing at all, we are all on borrowed time, and I would like my magic wand to cast a spell that we all live our time and the time we are given, with forgiveness, love, respect, kindness and peace.

For me sometimes I use Face Book  as a Magic Wand....I know I post a lot of pictures, and I don't expect everyone to look at them or even like them.  I like Face Book because it connects me to the people that I don't get to see or spend time with.  I love seeing the pictures of my cousins and their growing families.  I love seeing pics of my nieces, nephews, friends and family smiling and laughing and making memories.

No one lives a perfect life, no one is happy all the time, but lets face it, I would much rather see smiling and laughing and love on face book.....there is way too much sadness in the world, so why not spread joy. 

Even when people post about their loved ones who have passed, there is sadness in their passing, but the pictures are shared as a way to remember the joy and love those loved ones gave us in their time here on earth.  I appreciate those pictures posted, because remembering those loved ones is a way of honoring them.

Lets all take our Magic Wands and create magic in our lives.  Share that magic whether it be via face book, instagram, snapchat, a handwritten letter, a phone call, or an impromptu visit to a friend or family member that you have lost touch with.  Converse with each other, ask questions about each others lives, ask for forgiveness if you feel you need it. Make moments count. Be Grateful and Spread Peace

Monday, July 9, 2018

Island Time

Island Time

There is no time on an Island,
just sun, sand and reflection..
Reflecting on all Gods gifts,
and the beauty that surrounds us
There is no time on an Island,
just peace, tranquility and perspective.
Perspective in believing in the goodness of all people,
and believing in the kindness and humanity of all.
There is no time on an Island,
days just seem to pass by.
Pass by in moments of joy, moments of sadness,
moments of an array of all human emotions.
There is no time on an Island,
time is measured in truths.
Truth that the air we breathe and the beauty that surrounds us
is a gift we all should treasure.
Island time, land time, daytime,nighttime...all time
should be cherished, and each moment, each second,
each minute, each hour should never be wasted.
Live your Life on Island Time
Be grateful for each day, live in Peace

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Super Hero's

I haven't blogged in quite awhile.  Today, I was catching up on all my DVR'd recordings of CW's Super Hero shows.  Flash, SuperGirl, Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow, and now Black Lightening.

As I watched these shows, I began to get a feeling of overwhelming anxiety. It was anxiety, but I knew exactly why I was feeling this way.  As Black Lightening was fighting the issue of gangs, and the danger in his neighborhood,  Super Girl was joining  forces with some of her nemesis's to try and save the world, and Arrow was making peace with his team of Super Hero's to fight injustices and crime. A recurring theme.  Good vs. Evil, Wrong vs. Right,  Love vs. Hate....themes that all essentially lead to Humanity.

I shut the television off and thought to myself....our World needs a Super Hero, or a band of Super Heros.  The news is filled with constant reminders of similar themes....Political Parties verses each other, Countries verses each other, People verses each other.....so much venom being spewed back and forth.....and yet, I still believe in Humanity and the Good in people.

As I pondered this, I realized that our world does have Super Hero's, and they too are fighting the same fights and battles that the CW Super Hero's fight.  Our hero's don't wear costumes to hide who they are, they are there for all of us to see.  Our Hero's are the men and women who serve in our Military, our First Responders, our men in Blue, our Firefighters, our Doctors,Nurses, EMT's, Paremedics, teachers, educators and more.  They are our single Mothers and Fathers who are working three jobs to give our future generation of children a chance.  Our Family members and Friends who step in to lend a hand to their loved ones in need.  Our Spiritual leaders, who pray for us and with us. And yes too, they are many of our Political leaders who are fighting for us and with us to make this World a better place.

It doesn"t  matter your politcal party, your race, or your religion.  What matters is that we all have the ability to be Hero's....We march together in this one life, and we start one step at a time, one good deed at a time, shrouded with a Hero's cape called Humanity.

I make a point of expressing gratitude on this blog and today I am particularly grateful for all of everyday Super Hero's

Thursday, March 16, 2017


Tradidion: the handing down of information, beliefs, or customs from one generation to another, especially by word of mouth or by practice.

I am currently in a production of Fiddler on the Roof, which is a show whose primary theme is about Tradition.

I was unable to perform in one of the days of our production, because I had a long standing commitment to my husbands family and to one of their ancestral Traditions called Carnivale.  It is a tradition that began with my husbands Grandfather and Grandmother from Gaeta, Italy, and now reaches through the generations to their children, their grandchildren, great grandchildren and now great great grandchildren.

We gather together and sing a song that tells the story of Carnivale, and each year the song has new verses added to it, telling the stories and milestones of each new family member that is born into the family. This song is a testament to my husbands grandparents and to their tradition of gathering their family together around a table where we eat homemade ravioli, meatballs and sausage.

Tomorrow, I will gather with my family, where my parents will make almost 30 pounds of corned beef and cabbage and we will all gather and laugh, tell stories and bask in the joy of being together. This tradition is not as old as my husbands Carnivale, but that is the joy of Traditions, we can constantly reinvent Traditions and mix the old with the new.

To me Tradition means:

T- togetherness (as a family, a community, a circle of friends, when two or more gather....we share beliefs, information and customs....Tradition)
R- revelry (finding joy in the art of being together, enjoying each others presence, laughing crying, storytelling...we revel in our Traditions)
A- attention (taking the time to pay attention, to listen and hear each other, telling stories of old, and stories of new, the stories are what create the Traditions)
D- dedication (being true to your word, and following through on being there for each other in good times and in bad, understanding that some traditions stay the same, some fade, but we can be dedicated to creating new versions of old Traditions, keeping some Traditions the same, and creating brand new Traditons)
I- insight (knowing instinctively to respect our elders, and their stories. To know, that they are who we come from,and we owe it to them to pass their stories on from generation to generation)
T- time (make time matter, spend time with loved ones and show your gratitude for all who came before us and all who will come after)
I- inclusion (include everyone, don't hold grudges, forgive, welcome the new Traditions that are created, and value the Traditions of old.  Change is hard sometimes, but if you include the  nuances of old Traditions when creating new Traditions every one from generation to generation will be included)
O- openess (open your heart, your arms, your eyes and your home to the beauty and joy of Traditions)
N- notetake (take note of the folklore, listen to your elders, their stories are your stories, and your stories will become your next generations stories....and so the stories go on, and on, and though the Traditions may change from generation to generation, the fiber of those Traditions will be woven in the memories of those yet to come)

Sunday, November 27, 2016

The Gift

Today is my Daughter Danielle's Birthday.  For her Birthday, she asked us for only one gift.  She asked us to attend Church with her for her Birthday.  My husband was traveling for business, so I told her I would go to Mass with her.

I will admit, I have not been to Church in a very long time.  Not since they closed my Parish, joined Parishes, and then actually reopened the Church that for so much of my life was a Home to me and my family.  My faith has never waivered and my closeness to God is not measured by whether or not I attend Church.  In fact, my husband and I miss our old Parish very much, but when the Churches merged, and our Pastor left, we almost felt a sense of homelessness, and we actually stopped attending our old Parish.

Today, for the first time in a very long time....I felt at home.  St. Cecilia's in Boston and Father Unni, brought back so many memories for me, and it was nice to feel a sense of being home again.

 My gift to Danielle, actually became a Gift to me.   So much so that when I walked into the Church with  my daughters Danielle and Mary  we were greeted and asked to bring up the Gifts....Ironic.  Another gift of the day, was the priests homily....it was about living a life to the fullest, with no regrets, because we actually never know when our time is up, so we should live our life as best as we can, and surround ourselves with positivity, forgiveness and love.

There were messages in the homily and in sitting in St. Cecilia's  that touched my heart.  When I walked into the Church  I saw behind the altar a very large picture of The Last Supper.....my Dougherty grandparents had this picture always hanging behind their couch in the living room when I was growing up, and so many memories of my faith and my religious upbringing come from my Nana and Grampy Dougherty who were very involved in their church..In fact,  I believe they are my first memories of a Church being a place to call home.  Then after communion, I looked above that picture, and there she was.... a statue of  The Blessed Mother, another inspirational message, because I have always called to her in times of need and in times of gratitude and both of my grandmothers had a closeness to Mary, that  I have carried that closeness in my heart as well.

All these messages reminded me of why I loved going to St. Bernard's and being a part of that Parish Family.  I wish that Donnie had been with us today, because I know his heart would have been feeling the same things my heart felt today.

I don't know if I will ever go back to our original Parish, but I do know this...for anyone who has left the Church....there is always a home out there for you.  St. Cecilia's reminded me of this today.  Will I start going back every Sunday? I don't quite know, but I feel comfort in knowing that two of my daughters have found a place that feels like home to them, and I do believe I will go back from time to time with them to this very beautiful church. And I have faith that there is always a home out there waiting to welcome back anyone who has left and who wants to go home again.

I have no regrets, I live my life with love and gratitude...I cherish each day as a Gift, and  today, I am grateful to my beautiful daughter who on her Birthday gave me the gift of remembering what it felt like to have a home in a Parish.

I have always used this blog as a venue for gratitude, and I have already thanked Danielle, but I also want to thank, Father Barry, Sister Joanne, and all the people who made so many years of being a part of St. Bernard's so warm and inviting and a place to call Home.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Whose that Girl in the Mirror

When my daughter Danielle was little we used to sing this song called Whose that Girl in the Mirror. I think it came from an old children's video, but this 50 something year old brain of mine can't quite recall.

Speaking of this "53" year old mind...it is also attached to this 53 year old face and body, and that is my inspiration for today's blog.

Sunday morning I was lying in bed thinking about my life, my age, and time.  I took a quick selfie of myself void of makeup (and if I was tech savvy I would add it to this blog...but I'm just lucky I even know how to do this blog )....any way I digress...I looked at the selfie with my face full of lines, and a neck that sags and shows my age.  I looked at my arms that giggle and have a wing like span to them. And then I even looked down at my no longer flat stomach with its many many stretch marks.  I realized then that the song Whose that Girl in the Mirror, no longer was about the girl in the mirror, but Me, a 53 year old mother of five and grandmother to Leo.

How is it possible that the girl named Kelly is now a 53 year old mother and grandmother?  But then I realized, that I am still that girl, and I am still youthful and full of life.  I realized that the lines on my face, are laugh lines, stress lines, worry lines, love lines, life lines....lines that show what a beautiful life I have lived and am living.

My sagging neck may show my age, but this sagging neck is still strong and holds upon it, a head whose brain is still functioning, strong and has still such a huge capacity for learning new things and remembering all that it has learned up till now.

The arms that giggle and look like wings may make me not want to wear sleeveless anymore, but when I thought about my arms and their wings...I thought about guardian angels and their wings.  I realized that my wings are for wrapping around my husband, my children, my parents, my siblings, my friends and now my grandson and future grandchildren.  These giggly wings have a huge capacity to comfort and embrace all the people that I have had a privilege to love in these 53 years and all the people and loved ones to come.

The stretch marks on my no longer flat stomach...they don't bother me as much. When  I see these stretch marks, I see the faces of the five beautiful, amazing human beings that I carried and who created those stretch marks. I think of those stretch marks as I would think of a road map. A map full of destinations and journeys and roads not yet traveled.  I look forward to watching my children travel those roads, and create their own maps.

I'm glad I took that selfie this past weekend, and I'm glad it inspired me to write this, because....
Whose that Girl in the Mirror, whose that girl, la la la, la la la la la, whose that happy smiling girl....that girl is me!