Tuesday, April 2, 2013

My Garden

 How does my Garden Grow?  Well I never claimed to have a green thumb, but I think my Garden is beautiful.  The soil is rich and the flowers are all budding and continuing to blossom with each new day. 

My Garden of Life has not always been a bed of roses and raising 5 budding children has had its fair share of growth challenges.  So my bed of Roses has had some thorns, but those same roses, thorns and all  are still so very beautiful!

Like any flower that blooms, they all need a different kind of care to flourish, and my children are a garden full of beautiful blossoms. Some of them need more sunshine than others, and some of them are content to grow peacefully in the shade.  The soil from which they came, was watered, fertililized, and tended to with great love and care.  All these beautiful blossoms came from the same soil, and yet they all have their own unique beauty, and they all have different needs in order for them to grow.

It doesn't just take watering your flowers to make them grow.  It takes, time, patience, weeding, warmth, and even talking to them to make those blossoms come to life.   Each Season brings its challenges to the growth of these beautiful flowers, but I love the challenge and I hope one day, when I look down at my thumb, it will be the most beautiful shade of green.  For then I will know that all the time and care I put into my garden produced the most uniquely different and beautiful array of blossoms. 

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