Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Today, my fourth child Mary Rose turned 21.  Three years from now Jane my youngest will turn 21.  To the five of my children turning  21 meant that they were now legal to drink.  To me, turning 21 was one of the best years of my life, and it wasn't because I became legal to drink (legal drinking age in my day was 20).  It was the year I became a mother for the first time.  It was when life changed for both Donnie and me, in ways that we never even could have imagined.  21 to me, was the beginning of an amazing sense of joy, and a journey, that I have never regretted taking.  Donnie and I chose to get married young, and we chose to start our family young, this path we chose has been the right one for us, and for me it was the best choice I ever made.

As I celebrated Mary's 21st Birthday tonight, I saw her smiling face, and realized that even though she and I chose different paths to take at the age of 21, her path would be bringing joy and healing into so many peoples lives.  She is in her third year at Boston College studying to be either a Nurse Practitioner or a Midwife, but whichever she chooses to be, she will be amazing at it, because she has a loving and giving nature, a love of learning, and she is a true nurturer.

Danielle, Michael and Ryan, have seen their 21st birthdays come and go, but they are all on their own personal paths of life, and I am proud of each of them for following their hearts and dreams.  Jane is not far behind them, and she too will choose the path that is right for her, one that will follow her heart and dreams.

I know the kids sometimes think that I wished that they would all be married at 20 and having babies young like me and their Dad, but that couldn't be further from what my real wish is and has always been.  I have been living my dream since the day I met their father, married him and had these five amazing children with him, but my wish for them,  is that whatever their dreams are, whatever age they may be, wherever their path may lead, I wish them Joy and Happiness, because that is what they have always given me.  "21"  If I could go back and turn 21 again, I wouldn't change a thing!