Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Looking Glass

If only our mirrors could talk.  We look into the looking glass and see only our reflection, but if we really looked close enough would it be possible to see our souls.  Would that we could see our true selves, the good the bad and the ugly.  We would be able to see the bad and ugly reflecting back at us, and we wouldn't be able to ignore it, we would have to face it head on, and work to make that reflection become clear again, so that we could turn the bad and ugly into the "good" part of ourselves..

When I look in the mirror these days, I see myself clearly, and I am at peace with my reflection, because I accept myself for who I am and I am okay with the good the bad and the ugly.  Those three parts of me are all blended together and somehow make me who I am, and I like to think that the good controls the other two parts, and comes out on top..

However, I have also been around long enough to know that sometimes despite our best efforts, we still see things as we want to see them.  So, I am careful to make sure that as I look upon my reflection, I also balance what I see against what feedback I get from others.

If we were all honest with our reflections and the feedback we get from others, then I believe the "Good" would continue to win out, and our souls would be at peace.  So when we looked into the looking glass...we would all be "Beautiful"

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